Packages and Pricing

Preparation is the key to success in most things, and becoming a mum is no different. You will no doubt have an idea of what you would like your pregnancy, birth and Postpartum period to look like. It is my role as a doula to help ensure your dreams come true. I offer a range of packages designed to suit the needs of every new mum, from simple Birth Preparation, right through to extended Postpartum Support, and everything in between.

The first step is to meet, get to know one another and exchange energies. The ideal time for this is around week 15-20 of your pregnancy. You can tell me what it is you are hoping for in the coming months, and I will fill you in on the services I offer that can help you. If the vibes are right and we are a match made in delivery heaven, we can move to the next level and together work out which of my services you need.

Birth Preparation

My Birth Preparation Service will help prepare you and your partner mentally and physically for the joyful challenge that is pregnancy and birth. This package includes:

– Two pre-birth visits where we discuss your birth desires, the comfort measures available to you and optimal positioning. I will answer any questions you or your partner may have about pregnancy and birth

– A Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum ‘Bible’ that provides you with all the information and resources you need to help you through this special time, including a Pregnancy Bath Bliss soak, Pregnancy Yoga USB, information on the stages of birth and what positions might be most comfortable, and much more

– Training in exercises and breathing techniques that help prepare your body and will assist during delivery

– Instruction for your partner in simple massage techniques which will help provide relief and comfort during pregnancy and delivery

– Relaxation techniques to help you stay calm and focussed during delivery

Packages for Birth Preparation start at $800

Birth Preparation and Delivery Support

No matter how prepared you are for birth, it is always good to have someone in your corner, supporting both you and your partner, emotionally and physically. No matter what type of birth you want – whether it is a home or hospital birth, I will help ensure you are set up for a positive experience. During delivery I will support you every step of the way, from the time you need me in the early stages of labour until you are ready to bond as a family and feeding has been established.

This package includes:

– Two pre-birth visits where we discuss your birth desires, the comfort measures available to you and optimal positioning. I will answer any questions you or your partner may have about pregnancy and birth.

– A Pregnancy Birth and Postpartum ‘Bible’ that provides you with all the information and resources you need to help you through this special time, including a Pregnancy Bath Bliss soak, Pregnancy Yoga USB, information on the stages of birth and what positions might be most comfortable, and much more

– Training in exercises and breathing techniques that help prepare your body and will assist during delivery

– Instruction for your partner in simple massage techniques which will help provide relief and comfort during pregnancy and delivery

– Relaxation techniques to help you stay calm and focussed during delivery

– I will be on-call two weeks either side of your due date to ensure you are supported. Note: I always have a fully-briefed backup doula in place in case of unforeseen circumstances.

– Attendance at your delivery where I will be your birthing bestie, using a rebozo, essential oils, a diffuser, my hands and my heart to support both you and your partner

– Digital copies of Rockstar Birth Magazine, which will provide you with information and ideas for your birth and beyond

– One postnatal debrief following delivery where I will ensure any questions you have are answered and help provide appropriate resources and referrals should you need them.

Your investment in a Birth Preparation and Delivery Support Package is $2900.

Postpartum Support

The Postpartum period is one of the most important times of your life. What baby needs most is mum, milk and sleep. What mum needs most is a whole lot of TLC. After a woman gives birth she is in a tender time of recovery. Pregnancy and labour have drawn every ounce of your body’s reserves. Your hormones are on a roller coaster. You are tired, depleted and vulnerable. Yet this is a period of incredible joy. I will make sure you have the support you need to enjoy this special time, as well as the nutrient dense meals that will help you recover your strength and energy.

This Package includes:

– Birth debrief where I will answer any lingering questions or concerns you may have

– Five weekly visits of approximately 2 hours where I will assist with caring for baby, light home duties and running errands

– Delivery of delicious, warm meals nutritionally designed to assist with recovering strength and supporting milk production

– Assisting with developing a good breastfeeding routine and answering any breastfeeding questions or concerns you may have, including a Breastfeeding Plan

– Help understanding how to settle, swaddle and wrap your baby

– Driving you to postnatal appointments if you have had a caesarian, as you are not able to drive for 6 weeks

– A digital copy of Maternal Instincts by Amberley

– Antenatal, Breastfeeding, Birth + Breastfeeding, Postnatal + Breastfeeding Videos

– Daily Yoga practice USB

– Affirmation Colouring pages

Postpartum Support Package investment is $3150. This package can be designed in any way to suit you, your partner and baby. Please feel free to talk to me about your specific needs.

Combined Birth and Postpartum Support

This Package includes:

– The full Birth Preparation and Delivery Support Package


Five Postpartum visits, where I look after you so you can look after baby. During these visits I will help with:

– Providing beautiful, warm meals nutritionally designed to assist with recovering strength and supporting milk production

– Running errands for you and your partner

– Managing fatigue and getting out into the fresh air

– Advice on settling your baby

– Breastfeeding support and advice, including a Breastfeeding Plan

– Effective swaddling and wrapping baby

– Cuddling your baby so you can sleep, shower, read a book, go for a walk, spend time with your partner or other children

– General light home duties

– A digital copy of Maternal Instincts by Amberley

– Antenatal, Breastfeeding, Birth + Breastfeeding, Postnatal + Breastfeeding Videos

– Daily Yoga practice USB

– Affirmation Colouring pages

Investment in Combined Preparation, Delivery and Postpartum Support Packages starts at $5600.

Sleep Support

Packages for assisted Sleep Support start at $750.

Additional Services

Whatever package you choose, you can add these invaluable services if you wish:

Baby Massage Lesson

Many babies suffer from colic, wind, reflux or constipation. Massage can help relieve these discomforts, as well as improve sleep, help brain development, increase immunity and support growth. It is also an invaluable bonding exercise, especially for dads or partners.

I will teach you and your partner simple massage techniques that you can use whenever you feel the need.

Baby Massage Lesson – 1 hour lesson for two adults, $180

Nurturing the Mother Sealing Ceremony & Belly Binding Package

Childbirth is the act of opening your body up to allow new life to come into the world. A Sealing Ceremony is a way of honouring the role your body has played in bringing that life into being, and returning it fully to your possession, while celebrating the journey from woman to mother.

This package includes:

– Creating a calming, nurturing space using candles and essential oils

– A luxurious Cleopatra Milk Bath or Healing Herb Bath Ritual to relax and heal the body

– A Becoming a Mother warming massage with fragrant oils, paying special attention to the womb space

– Sealing Ceremonial Tuck-In with hot flax lavender packs and warm blankets, while bestowing blessings

– Sacred Belly Bind beginning with the massage of your belly with warming Ayurvedic oils, which helps stretched muscles return to their pre-pregnancy shape faster and more effectively, before encasing you in a Bengkung or modern Belly Bind

Note: you will need someone to watch baby during your Nurturing the Mother Sealing Ceremony & Belly Binding PacCAsual kage so that you can relax uninterrupted. This package is recommended 2 weeks postpartum, or 6 weeks post caesarean.

Nurturing the Mother Sealing Ceremony & Belly Binding Package – $250 for 2 hours

Casual Postpartum Support – $75 per hour, mimimum visit 2 hours. Food not included.

Gift Voucher

Any of my services or products make a wonderful gift for an expectant mum and can be purchased in the form of a Gift Voucher in any combination you would like.